
Review of Westfire 15 stove

Westfire 15

Victoria Hartnell 15 years ago

This is a very attractive stove. The large window makes it a feature, and most of our visitors comment on the fabulous flame patterns when its going well, and the air draw is shut down a bit. It's half the price of some others we saw with a similar large curved glass window. It works a treat, easy to light and keep lit. It's too efficient to keep in overnight, but relights easily in the morning. I may be writing a too enthusiastic review, but we've had it for 2 season's now, and I love it.

My only other comment is think carefully about delivery. This was our one snag, as the carrier company had sent it with a single driver,who refused to come down the lanes near our house, so we ended up (just about) getting into the back of the Ford Focus for the last bit of the journey. It's heavy!

Stove expert replied: make sure you tell your supplier if access to your site is limited - a smaller vehicle with an extra person on it can usually be sent out if needed (at extra expense of course).

Overall rating:

4.5 flames

Build Quality 5 flames (avg 4.9)
Quality of finish 5 flames (avg 4.9)
Value for money 5 flames (avg 4.6)
Ease of use 5 flames (avg 4.7)
Ease of lighting 5 flames (avg 4.7)
Firebox size 4 flames (avg 3.8)
How well does the airwash work 5 flames (avg 4.8)
Controllability 5 flames (avg 4.6)
Handle operation 5 flames (avg 4.9)
How likely are you to buy it again? 5 flames (avg 4.9)
What is your overall satisfaction? 5 flames (avg 4.9)