
Review of Klover Smart 80 wood pellet cooker

An excellent experience

Philip Large 9 years ago

Installed a Klover 80 3 months ago under the domestic RHI to replace and aged LPG fired range cooker/boiler. The Klover 80 looks good and works extremely well giving us the hot water and central heating we wanted PLUS a warm kitchen due to its heat to air output. Must admit it uses slightly more fuel than we expected but this is not a problem. Access to both sides is required for maintenance so 'building it in' to a modern kitchen needs thought. Overall very impressed with this good looking efficient stove.

Overall rating:

5 flames

Build Quality 5 flames (avg 5)
Quality of finish 5 flames (avg 5)
Value for money 5 flames (avg 4.7)
Ease of use 5 flames (avg 4.9)
Ease of lighting 5 flames (avg 4.9)
Firebox size 4 flames (avg 4.1)
How well does the airwash work 5 flames (avg 4)
Controllability 5 flames (avg 4.9)
Handle operation 5 flames (avg 4.3)
How likely are you to buy it again? 5 flames (avg 4.6)
What is your overall satisfaction? 5 flames (avg 4.9)