
Dovre 500 stove

Overall Rating:

4.5 flames

based on 10 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Dovre 500 stove

The Dovre 500 stove is available as a wood or multi fuel version.

The wood burning Dovre 500 CBW can be used for burning wood in smokeless zones . This stove has one door and the glass has a curve on the top edge. The glass for the Dovre 500 is available as a clear or lattice design.

The multi fuel model comes with either a fixed grate or a riddling grate.

Weight of the stove is 118-124kg

Technical Data
  • Height: 665mm
  • Width: 560mm
  • Depth: 435mm
  • Flue Diameter: 150mm
  • Fuel: Multi fuel
  • Efficiency: 79%

Add your review of this stove

Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4.5 flames
Quality of finish 5 flames
Value for money 4.5 flames
Ease of use 4.5 flames
Ease of lighting 5 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 5 flames
Controllability 5 flames
Handle operation 4.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Dovre 500 8 years on.

    Ross Clark 3 years ago

    We’ve had our Dovre 500 for 8 years now and use it every night from late November through to March. We chose it as it’s a well known make with a good reputation and history and it was going
    to be a functional stove rather than a decorative thing. It has been an excellent stove, does not coke up, burns and lights well and is easy to control. I had to replace the brace that holds the blanking plate in which failed probably due to use. This was £25 and took 10 mins with a socket set. I’ve also replaced the door ropes etc which you will need to do with any stove. In short we paid good money for a good stove, basically the VW of stoves. Will probably last years and years to come.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Dovre 500 Review

    Abby Webster 15 years ago

    We love our new Dovre 500, we had been looking forward to having it installed for several months and have not been disappointed.It is one of the few we can use in our area due to living in a
    smokeless zone.The stove is stylish and substantial, looks brilliant in the room and belts out the heat!It is very easy to operate, the airflow is very controllable both from above and below, we have had no problem starting fires. Our installers told us it was the heaviest stove they had ever put in.Would definitely recommend it. Have rated 5 for burning overnight but we haven't used it for this yet, just unable to not score on this criteria.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

More reviews for Dovre 500 stove

  • 20+ years and going strong

    Graham Jenkins 3 years ago

    Bought nearly 25 years ago and used ever since. Beautiful classic stove with outstanding performance. There is no better investment than the Dovre 500.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Dovre 500 multifuel

    Neil Munro 10 years ago

    7 years use and no issues , fantastic stove which has saved a fortune in heating bills
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Dovre 500 Woodburning Stove.

    PeterJohn Durant 11 years ago

    Fantastic piece of engineering and is a well designed/efficient Fire.This model has been fitted for 4yrs now and is just starting to need replacement parts *Fair wear and tear* even tho it is
    the primary source of heating in our 24' thru lounge and 18' kitchen.Our Gas bills have been reduced by at least 95%!, Therefore paying for itself many times.Well done Dovre.

    Stove expert replied: A great review and a stove that has fulfilled the customers needs and more.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • The excellent Dovre 500.

    A G Clarke 13 years ago

    We bought this stove as we are in a smoke control area and had been conned into buying a Villager by the local "best in UK" supplier who told us it was DEFRA approved for smokeless use. The
    Dovre 500 ticks all the boxes for us as we live in a large house (12 rooms) and we have another multifuel in 1 downstairs room and the Dovre in another. Between them they heat the whole house and slumber overnight so we only have to use the central heating for 1 hour in the morning to warm the house as we get up. The clean burn feature means we can burn just wood on the Dovre and this has resulted in a massive reduction in our fuel bills. We would recommend the Dovre 500 to anyone without hesitation if you want a stove that is easy to use, controllable and inexpensive to run.

    Stove expert replied: I would not recommend slumber burning, especially if you live in a smoke control area. It creates much more smoke which is what the smoke control area designation is attempting to avoid. Other than that it is great that you have had such a great experience with your stove.

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Dovre 500 - Our Thoughts

    John Shepherd 15 years ago

    We have had our Dovre 500 through two winters now, just approaching the third, and have used it loads. We placed it in the back room of our semi-detached house, primarily as a room heater but
    it generates so much heat it's well suited to taking the edge off the whole house. Because of this, we have hardly used the central heating and have cut our gas bill in half.We had the chimney lined with a metal liner by the local chimney sweep as the chimney isn't in the best of condition - he charged £200 for installing the liner, fitting a pot and cowl and basic tidying up of the chimney stack - this didn't include the price of the liner, pot or cowl.We bought the Dovre 500 specifically because we live in a smokeless zone and haven't been dissapointed with it at all. It's very controllable, gives out a great amount of heat and is solid and well made. We use most mornings and nights throughout winter (all day at weekends) and have to empty the ash about once a week. The glass stays clean for a few days and I tend to clean this with an old washing up pad (non-scratch type) and some glass cleaner spray.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Dovre 500

    Jonathan Beales 15 years ago

    We bought this stove about a year ago and we have it alight as much as possible as it make a huge difference to our heating bill. It is very easy to control and usually the fire will stay in
    overnight, if I get it right and it isn't a really windy night. It is also much more efficient than our last, cheaper stove that we had and much better build quality. The fire wash works well, although when I shut it right down overnight the glass often gets dirty, but from what I have seen of other stoves this is normal and the dovre is better then many others in this regard.I would recommend a dovre stove as a good purchases, although for me I would buy the 450 if I was making the purchases again. This is because we have the wood only model as that is all we burn, so the ash tray behind the lower door is not used, apart from at the end of the season to clean it right out. From what I have seen if I bought the 450 then I would have had a slightly larger fire box area. If you are buying multifuel then this is not relevant and the bottom door would be a great advantage.Dovre are not the cheapest of stoves, but I think it was worth the extra to get a reasonable quality stove.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Dovre 500 woodburning stove

    John Whalley 15 years ago

    Easy to light and use. Airwash works so well, people comment on how clean the front stays. Flames always clearly visible through large single door. Handle is somewhat awkward, but easy to
    fit small extension. Looks good, easy to control burning rate. Not seen many better than this.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Dovre 500

    Mike Hardwick 15 years ago

    This is our first multi-fuel stove although we use it to burn logs. In short, it has been a delight. Bought to fit into a compact space formed by a corner fire place, it lights easily, burns
    superbly and looks great with the lattice door option. Once banked up and 'closed down' the fuel will smoulder overnight it and bursts into life once the lower vent is opened in the morning. Once a good bed of embers has been made, it is economic in use, costing around 1.2p per Kw/h. Try achieving that with electricity or gas!
    Overall rating:

    5 flames