
Charnwood Country 12 stove

Overall Rating:

3 flames

based on 8 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Charnwood Country 12 stove

The Charnwood Country 12 stove is available in a boiler or non-boiler model.

You can have a wood or multi fuel stove.

There are a lot of different colour options.

This is a steel stove with 2 doors - there is plain glass window in each door

& the doors angle outwards towards you.

Technical Data
  • Height: 615mm
  • Width: 616mm
  • Depth: 451mm
  • Flue Diameter: 150mm
  • Fuel: Multifuel
  • Nominal Heat Output: 12kW
  • Efficiency: 74.1%

Add your review of this stove

Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 3 flames
Quality of finish 3.5 flames
Value for money 3 flames
Ease of use 3 flames
Ease of lighting 3 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 2.5 flames
Controllability 2 flames
Handle operation 2.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 2.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 2.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • what about the boiler in charnwood stoves

    Ellen Geraghty 11 years ago

    I would like to ask has anyone had any problems with the boiler?We have a Charnwood solid fuel stove and the boiler has burst just after 5 years. Good stove but this is serious problem for us

    Stove expert replied: Suggest checking the installation, fuel used and the way the stove is operated as there may be something that has led to the failure which needs rectifying before a replacement is installed.

    Overall rating:

    0 flames

Most Popular Review

  • charnwood country 12 stove

    Simon Fisher 13 years ago

    Had this stove fitted two years ago. Always had problems getting a tight door seal at hot temperatures so can't get a slow burn. Just had a flue liner fitted because of chimney sweeping problems
    and now the draw is so fierce the stove burns even faster and most of the heat goes into the sky rather than the room. Charnwood say its out of guarantee but they've never come across the problem before !? I would love to hear if anyone else has had similar trouble. Would never buy one again especially if has twin doors...difficult to achieve a good seal.

    Stove expert replied: If the draw on the chimney is too strong there are solutions so please contact a chimney expert for assistance.

    Overall rating:

    1.5 flames

More reviews for Charnwood Country 12 stove

  • Excellent stove

    Richard 12 years ago

    I have this stove in my kitchen with the 3kw boiler.I chose it to heat a large cylinder and heat the kitchen/diner also.It does this perfectly.This stove is well made,I haven't had the issues
    mentioned above, the door seals well and the throat plate is fine. We have used the stove for 5 winters with no problems at all.The air control is pretty good, with the slides closed on the front you adjust with the plunger on the side.This works fine.Overall I am very satisfied and would recomend charnwood stoves.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Country 12

    Deborah 12 years ago

    Have had the Country 12 for two years, and it is excellent, but let down by the throat plate. It is difficult to lodge into its precarious position and does drop occasionally into the fire.
    If this design could be modified I would say this wood burning stove is perfect. It lights easily (depending on the weather)and will usually stay in overnight, with all the air vents practically closed, then will flair up in the morning when they are reopened. It belts out lovely heat which goes way beyond the large sitting room where it is situated. My ratings would all be 5 if the throat plate was improved.

    Stove expert replied: It is a shame for one thing to let a stove down which seems the case with this stove and this review.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames


    BERTRAM VINCE 12 years ago

    I agree with the other reviewers regarding the seals of the doors and the lack of control of the fire in general.The WORST BY Far issue is the throat plate which sags with use and has to be
    replaced about every year,the sag can be so great that it sometime falls on to the lit fire below. We buy some from charnwood at fifty pounds a time, others we make ourselves which tend to last longer. Also the side riddle keyway holding pin is always snapping off and has to be mended the best we can. In fact we have given up on this, we open one door and poke about with a poker in the firebox. Whilst there a 3 seperate grates in the firebox when you turn the riddling handle the only place of riddle is between the 3 grates, the solid fuel resting on the 3 grates only moves up and down and does not clear its self of the ash. The ashpan has bowed up in the middle so it reduces its volume of ash it can carry, the airwash slide at the top is not easy to operate as it gets stiff with use and the holding knob is very small and gets too hot, it can only really be dealt with by using the ash pan handle as a pushing or pulling device. We have other stoves in the house which are made in China at half the price which give us quite as much satisfaction. We have had made a thick stainless steel throat plate which is lasting much longer.

    Stove expert replied: Disappointing to hear the problems above, it takes away some of the enjoyment of the stove.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

  • Charnwood Country 12 - major design flaw.

    Reg 12 years ago

    I have had exactly the same issue with the top of the right hand door opening when the fire gets hot. It then races the fire and most of the heat goes up the chimney. This has now been installed
    for 2 winters and I have had Charnwood around and been on the phone to them, but they wash their hands of it as they do not see it as a product issue.Whereas I see the double door as a major design flaw if it cannot retain a tight seal and opens when the fire starts to get hot. Sorry thing is that I have wasted over a £1,000 on it and it is quite simply not fit for purpose!Stoves Expert Replied: Perhaps a thicker rope would improve the current problem, you say it is worse when the stove is hot. Have you always had an issue with control? Might be worth looking at the flue system - maybe a damper would help!!
    Overall rating:

    1.5 flames

  • country 12......fab!

    Richard 14 years ago

    Had one installed in the lounge with clip in boiler.Has been used for two winters and find it excellent.Soon fills a fairly big cylinder with hot water (enough for two baths).Heats our large
    lounge as well no problem, we have no other heating source in the lounge so the charnwood is lit every night in the winter.The cat loves it too....he always takes pole position right infront!Great buy and would recomend.Cheaper than many others but well made and good looking.UK made as well.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Charnwood Country 12 review

    Steve Stroud 15 years ago

    The Charnwood 12 Country stove is well built, easy to light and puts out loads of heat. We have used one for the last 8 years. The issue we have with the stove is the air control -these are
    two sliding plates under the windows in the door. Any stove with this type of air control does not allow sufficient closure for air as even when the slides are fully closed air leaks in around them. This means that you can't really turn down the fire and certainly can't keep it in over night. We have other stoves and the types with round -screw in and out- air controls - so that you can completely shut off the air supply when the control is fully turned in- are much better for slow burning.
    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames