
Review of Stovax Brunel 2cb stove

Not as good as the Stovax 1A

Dave Sutch 16 years ago

After installing a Stovax 1A and finding it excellent I fitted the 2CB in the back room (similar size) with the thought that a bigger stove would see me through the depths of winter more comfortably. How wrong I was. With hindsight I should have installed another 1A which I find significantly more efficient both in control and fuel efficiency. As it is I tend to use only the 1A as I keep warmer at significantly less cost. The 1A is really cute but the 2CB is a rather ugly older brother. The 1A burns Taybrite fuel very efficiently but the 2CB uses twice the quantity for a similar heat. Both are good woodburners but again the 2CB requires larger quantities for similar output. For a room size 12' square the 1A is perfectly adequate. In a room of similar size the 2CB is considerably more expensive, both to buy and to run

Overall rating:

2.5 flames

Build Quality 4 flames (avg 3.6)
Quality of finish 4 flames (avg 3.4)
Value for money 1 flames (avg 2.7)
Ease of use 3 flames (avg 4.1)
Ease of lighting 3 flames (avg 4)
Firebox size 3 flames (avg 3.9)
How well does the airwash work 3 flames (avg 3.7)
Controllability 2 flames (avg 3.7)
Handle operation 3 flames (avg 3.7)
How likely are you to buy it again? 1 flames (avg 2.1)
What is your overall satisfaction? 1 flames (avg 2.6)